
Hi, I’m Elom.

I’m an impact-driven human who helps good things grow. I’m also a passionate marketer.

I previously worked in product and growth teams for well-known global startups (Uber, WorldRemit), fortune 500 (IBM, AT&T) in North America, Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Europe. While I was privileged to learn from some talented folks, The fortune 500s just weren’t my jam. I had a great time working at the global startups, but the good times came to an end as they became hyper-growth companies, and specialization was becoming the name of the game. Some thrive as specialists. I bring more value as a full-stack strategist with tactical expertise in more than just one area.

Towards the end of my startup and corporate career, I started freelancing on the side and bootstrapped three companies as a solo founder and as a co-founder, working with ambitious startups—ones that get into Y-combinator, Techstars, and Acumen Academy. One of my companies didn’t work out. Another saw a bit of success but was hard to grow. I sold my most successful one to my partner.

I also did pro-bono work for International Development Enterprises (iDE) which turned into a long-term consulting opportunity. It made me realized how much I loved working at the intersection of tech and impact and decided to plant my flag in this space.

My skill lies in bringing calm to growth efforts through vantage, and a wealth of experience building, leading, and advising teams in early and scaled growth stages.

I take companies with product-market fit from 1-10 by helping them build sustainable, reliable and scalable growth engines.

What I bring to the table

I’m a Growth Expert with expertise in Marketing-Led, Sales-Led, and Impact-Driven Growth.

I help Impact-focused companies with 1-250 team members looking to reach their next growth stage get unstuck and scale.

This is what you get with me:

Founder Expertise

Having bootstrapped three startups over the past decade, I’ve acquired skills that enable me to be more effective than most growth consultants. Some of those skills include scaling a business and hiring highly effective talent on a lean budget. Additionally, as a founder who has employed hundreds of people and has been employed in the past, I bring a balanced perspective, an ownership mentality and I’m able to empathize with founders and growth leaders at various stages of growth.

Growth Strategy

Contrary to popular belief that growth is all about launching several marketing channels, growth happens at a more foundational level. Having developed growth strategies as a core component of my work over the past decade, I can help guide your team on the right approach for your stage and ensure your growth strategy is tightly aligned with your business model.

Acquisition Strategy

I’ve built acquisition strategies across various channels over the years while bootstrapping my own startups and while launching growth for various teams and founders. After diving deep into your company, I’ll come up with a plan to help you acquire customers at scale.

Empathy Sales Enablement

As a 3x bootstrapped founder, I had to get creative about growing my companies organically. I found that cold outreach was a viable growth channel, but a lot of the common wisdom out there advocated for a spray-and-pray and a hard approach to sales. I’m sure you’ve gotten one of those “quick question” emails at some point.  No wonder most founders and startups avoid it approach like the plague. It did not jive with my personality either. I figured there had to be a different way. There was.  My approach, which took years to optimize, has generated incredible opportunities for me. I’ll work with you to build a cold outreach sales system based on empathy and value-first approach that will unlock doors, increase revenue and raise funding. Fun fact: I coined the term “Empathy Sales Enablement.”

Revenue Operations

We’ll build your revenue operations from scratch, launch a multi-channel strategy that focuses on your ideal customer(SQL), develop relevant metrics, and align your marketing and sales functions to work together through process design, technology implementation, and automation before launching acquisition and sales campaigns to your sales platform.

High-Performance Lean Teams

For the past decade, I’ve built, led and worked with high-performance global teams for sales, growth, marketing, and operations functions for various ventures. I’ll help you find the best talent for your growth needs within the sizable network I’ve built, saving you time, energy, and resources.

What do you do exactly? and Why the Impact focus?

I develop growth strategies and lead execution that grow startups. But here’s the thing: Not all startups are created equal.  

I only team up with companies that are actively making the world a better place:

I get it; this might come across as a bit abstract, perhaps even idealistic?
Look. Our world is riddled with profound challenges, whether it’s the widening income disparity, global warming, healthcare inequality, or the pressing need for accessible, quality education. It’s clear we need a new narrative, and soon, or the world we know will drastically change in a matter of decades, maybe even sooner.
I’m convinced that startups and social enterprises possess the potential to affect the transformative change we so urgently require.
So these days, I use my product, growth, and marketing experience to assist committed individuals and teams scale startups and enterprises that make a tangible, positive impact on our society and planet.

Plus, I’ve got limited bandwidth. The way I see it, you can go over to Marketerhire and find some ex-Meta ace willing to grow your latest and greatest productivity tool.

My focus ranges from EdTech startups striving to revolutionize education accessibility, to International Development enterprises working to empower communities. I work with Health/Medtech companies determined to democratize healthcare, and Fintech firms aiming to alleviate income inequality. I’m also eager to work with Generative AI startups focused on leveraging artificial intelligence to better the world, and Climate change and clean energy startups committed to the preservation and betterment of our environment.

If you’re building something for a better future, I’m listening…

Cool, but what how can you help me?

Leaders in the impact space are often so busy building transformative solutions that they often neglect effective marketing and strategy.

At times, the issue is a lack of a cohesive approach to marketing, revenue operations and clean data points, leading to stale growth. In other cases, it’s a challenge with focusing on the wrong acquisition channels; customers in those channels either don’t understand your product or they aren’t perceiving their value.

But it’s 2024, and adaptive strategy is the new king… it’s what drives growth.

This is why many startups and enterprises engage me as their part-time head of growth strategy and marketing. Here’s what that looks like:

  • I execute high-impact initiatives, like refining your positioning and crafting growth strategies, acquisition plans, empathy-based cold outreach tactics, and revenue operations that deliver results. This is where I excel: understanding your value proposition and creating a clear roadmap for growth. If your growth strategy is already fine-tuned, I dive straight into the tactics requirement to execute your strategy.
  • Furthermore, I occasionally hire competent specialists to tackle tasks like data engineering implementation and long-form content projects like blog posts and ongoing social media content.

Other ways we can collaborate include:

  • Some clients engage me because their marketing isn’t yielding the desired results, and they’re looking to take a new approach.
  • Others hire me to lead various growth projects alongside their VPs across Strategy, Communication, and Marketing.
  • Others hire me as a solution engineer to develop various solutions from the ground up. Some examples of projects are medium-large scale website redesign and development or building a newsletter platform similar to Morning Brew’s from the ground up.
  • Others employ my services as a mentor—to coach their existing teams on strategies for growth, empathy cold outreach.
  • Established, late-stage companies often bring me on board for specialized consulting on growth marketing.

What I cannot guarantee you:

Rocket-ship growth. Millions in annual recurring revenue. A guaranteed conversion spike. If any growth marketer promises you these things, run.

What I CAN assure you:

Clear positioning. Adaptive strategy that will help you build a sustainable growth engine and make a scalable impact. Proven frameworks for growth. A consistent methodology for identifying what’s working, what’s not—and collaboratively devising ways to improve growth.

Where can I get to know you better?"

If you’re curious, head over to my play page to get a better feel for who I am and how I spend my time. Then drop me a line if you want to connect.

Do you have references?

Sure. After our initial call, feel free to ask and I will get back to you references.

Interested in working together? Let's chat

Whether you’re a founder , a growth leader looking for growth help, or a changemaker simply looking to connect, contact me and I’ll get back to you.